metro/rapid transit


joined July 2023
Refer to me as: MapMaker12131, MapMaker, or the funny us hsr meme map guy Check out @Transit281 for cool template maps and more COOL SITE: sorry for the lack of map updates, my lack of motivation is hitting like a brightline train running over a pickup truck parked on a monstrously designed florida grade crossing šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ User Featured Map (Different from one displayed on top): (Philadelphia Area Rail Transit) Current Projects: - (Chicago Public Transit Upgrade) - (Philadelphia Area Rail Transit Template) - (Philadelphia Public Transit Upgrade) a guy who was looking for a metro maker software to make maps for fictional cities, stumbled upon this, realized that it wasn't what they were looking for, but still uses it anyway "US HSR but the destinations are unhelpful to almost everyone" has reached 69 (funny number) stars! Quite insane considering that this is my third/fourth (can't remember) map that I've ever made. Chicago Suburbanite here for transit maps not drama Future Maps (it's a lot): Seattle Dallas Calgary BART St Louis New Orleans Detroit SEMTA proposal map Washington DC (revisited) Boston (revisited) Likely more Chicago "L" Concept Maps Toronto (revisited) Probably a lot more depending on what I think of