Setting things up

Delaware - Lewes and Rehoboth Beach

Map is Public
created 79 weeks ago
updated 78 weeks ago
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by dutchfriez_
  2. Built from scratch


100 km
Delaware - Lewes and Rehoboth Beach by
created at
updated at 2023-04-08T05:52:21.864Z
Map created on
Map type: local | Total track length: 62 miles | Center coordinate: 38.73151111154317, -75.12488757108676 | * Line 3: (Metro/rapid transit, 7 stations) Dewey Shores, Silver Lake Shores, Hickman Street, Rehoboth Beach Station, Olive Avenue, Pine Reach, North Shores * Line 6: (Metro/rapid transit, 12 stations) Olive Avenue, Henlopen Acres, Rehoboth Crossing, Camelot, Shady Grove, Maplewood, Sandy Brae, Carpenters Corner, Quakertown, Capes Cove, Tower Hill, Black Hog Landing * Line 1: (Metro/rapid transit, 6 stations) North Shores, The Glade, Henlopen Keys, Rehoboth Crossing, Silver View, Old Landing * Line 5: (Metro/rapid transit, 9 stations) Rehoboth Bay, Dewey Shores, Anne Acres, Rehoboth Manor - Lewes Canal, 6th Street, Henlopen Acres, Henlopen Avenue, Pine Reach, North Shores * Sussex County Oceanside Line: (Commuter/suburban rail, 9 stations) Broadkill Beach, Green Hill, Lewes, North Shores, Rehoboth Beach Station, Dewey Shores, Rehoboth Bay, Quillens Point, Bethany Beach * Line 11: (Metro/rapid transit, 10 stations) Nassau, Sand Dunes, Capes Cove, Tower Hill, Pagan Creek, Pilottown South, West 4th Street, Pilottown, Lewes Beach, Lewes * Line 2: (Metro/rapid transit, 4 stations) Cape Henlopen, Hawk Watch, Lewes Beach, Lewes * Line 4: (Metro/rapid transit, 9 stations) Robinson Landing, Old Landing North, Kings Creek, Rehoboth Crossing, Shockley Manor, Henlopen Acres North, Henlopen Avenue, Pine Reach, North Shores * Line 7: (Metro/rapid transit, 7 stations) Canal, Henlopen Acres North, Henlopen Acres, 6th Street, Blue Point Villas, Bay Harbor, Silver View * Line 8: (Metro/rapid transit, 10 stations) Lewes, West 3rd Street, Highland Acres - McFee Street, Big Oyster Brewery, Cape Henlopen High School, Quakertown, Wescoats Corner, Belltown, South Deep Valley Boulevard, Jimtown * Line 9: (Metro/rapid transit, 7 stations) Fieldwood, Pine Valley, Breezewood, The Landing, Selbourne Lane, Old Landing North, Old Landing
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