joined July 2022
*bio only works at 50% zoom*
A guy from Boston who lives in China and is obsessed with border cities and George Orwell. Creator of the Random Maps and Chinese Metro Revamp series.
Not really Dutch. ✅ 🤓 🚉 📖
Someone who is: Javer
What you can call me:
Current long-term projects (ON HOLD):
United States but made entirely out of suggestions (WIP)
Atlantic 95
Japanese Empire HSR
European Union Rail System
-------------------------------------------------------------------(CURRENTLY ONLY DOING US METRO REVAMP, ATLANTIC 95, AND CHINESE METRO REVAMP*)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
US Metro Revamp: https://metrodreamin.com/edit/OFdrTkhlcXpzN05wVlNneTRvWWZPMU1hZTNCM3wyMDY%3D
Any map with [CN-(province)(city number)] tacked onto it is a Chinese Metro Revamp map.
I have promised to make US Metro Revamp the only active WIP until it is finished, but I have since added Atlantic 95 because it doesn't require much work.
I am also reorganizing my maps. [##] is a map of a real system or a "serious" concept map.
The "unfinished but can't finish now"/"I don't want to mark them finished" maps:
Taipei/Taoyuan (privated)
Europe 1 Line Edition
Non-WIP ongoing projects:
whatever the most recent fantasy Chinese metro system(s) I am making is (usually private)
Most recently completed: Bengbu, Anhui
Potential Projects:
Brazilian Transit Union
London Buses
Mexico but made from suggestions
Austranasia HSR with a lot of languages (fictional nation)
Mikawa Railways
No projects are planned, ever.
Anything not on this list is either private, finished, too old to finish, or a Random map (I give myself one (usually not a full) day to make a system of a random city).
Tl;dr: I'm not updating anything not on the list.
Other Links:
Discord - https://discord.gg/eS6wDdrRgC
Midlands Project - https://metrodreamin.com/user/fIQ4VNvpP5ZCZFyxQYysZUyEWa32
*also doing smaller projects like Random Maps (not one project but a bunch of different ones)