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Kwan Yin Law


Map is Public
updated 55 minutes ago
45 lines, 182 stations
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by Kwan Yin Law
  2. Built from scratch


Unhelpful World HSR by
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updated at 2024-07-02T06:22:59.816Z
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Map type: extra long distance | Total track length: 182269 miles | Center coordinate: 33.4838055568128, 38.57737774295326 | * Red Line: (Airliner, 11 stations) Is this Netherlands or Belgium?!, Not All roads lead to Rome, VATICAN City, UK, Spain or Morocco?, I choose all, Snow, Not North Pole, Miss Alaska, Who told you we are going to Canada ?, Point Roberts, why is it USA?, Well just swim to the shore * Green Loop: (Airliner, 8 stations) Not Malé, If you want to go to Singapore swim there, Sea that everyone wants, We're not stopping, Between three countries, Not North Pole, Not All roads lead to Rome, Not Malé * Which is the real London?!: (High speed rail, 4 stations) East London, London, London, London * Polar Link: (Metro/rapid transit, 11 stations) South Pole, Penguin army base, Jakarta? What Jakarta?, 100 meters above the runway, pilots HATE this station!, No Vladivostok?! No Interchange?!, Peanut Hole, Not North Pole, No, Also no, Not yet, The line has ended exit the train * Cloud: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * Screen: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * Train: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * Track 2: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * Track 3: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * Track 1: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * Window: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * Light 1: (Metro/rapid transit, 2 stations) Metro, Metro * Light 2: (Metro/rapid transit, 2 stations) Dreamin', Dreamin' * Orange Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 3 stations) Not All roads lead to Rome, No one wants this place, MADagascar * Which is Victoria?!?!: (Regional rail, 4 stations) Victoria, Victoria, Victoria, Victoria * Pacific Crosser: (High speed rail, 14 stations) Who told you to ride on this train, Anyways let's go, Go go go, Hold on tight don't fall in the Bermuda Triangle, Not All roads lead to Rome, Only beach of Bosnia, Black Sea, So we need to cross the Pacific, Almost there, Gobi?!, Sorry no Interchange, Out in the Sea, Almost, Sorry doesn't allow me to cross the Pacific swim there * Salt Lake 'Circuit': (Metro/rapid transit, 11 stations) Start, Welcome to the hottest place in the world - The salt lake!!!, Breaking news :726 passengers has fainted due to heatstroke, The driver said, 'Anyways', Passengers groan 'cause they are back to there, Passengers report that they could fry eggs on the seat, Driver said that cooking on the train is not allowed, Some panicking passengers jumps out of the window, The engine is broken and burning, The floor is on fire, We urgently stop this nonsense as now the engine is literally lava so we can't finish the line * Forest Track: (Gondola, 7 stations) The forest Brazil is hacking down, We missed Dakar, Not making any Interchange here, Monaco #microstatesrule, Not All roads lead to Rome, Refreshment Kiosk!!! (Don't drink the water there. It might be straight from the river), Indonesia said, 'just burn it' * Viking spam Line: (Ferry, 3 stations) Ice on Greenland, Green on Iceland, And that's all thanks to your ancestors, Norway * Joke Line: (High speed rail, 8 stations) I like Northern and Eastern European food,, So I decided to Russia over there, 'Cause I was Hungary, After Czech-ing the menu,, I ordered Turkey,, With a Danish., After I've Finnished, I said to the waiter,, It's all good, but there's Norway I can get another bite. * Oceania Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 7 stations) I did not just pass Guammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Ocean again nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmnnnnnnnnnnnnn, A few hundred kilometers off the coast of Papa New Guinea, Obliterating 99999999999corals, New Zealand? What is that? - Failure map maker, Penguin army outpost, Penguin army base * Inner Mongolia Line: (Bus rapid transit, 14 stations) I, N, N, E, R, _, M, O, N, G, O, L, I, A * Cross Indian Ocean Line: (Bus rapid transit, 6 stations) Welcome to this bus, We're going to cross the Indian Ocean, How?!, We'll be fine anyways, *BLUB BLUB BLUB*, Breaking news :bus go into ocean no survivors * W: (Metro/rapid transit, 5 stations) What is this place, Some Lake, Another Lake, Finally I don't have to get to a lake, Fine * O: (Metro/rapid transit, 7 stations) Desert, If you want to go to Yinchuan alight here this is the closest we can get, Why you are still here, Well, Anyways, Get out now, Told you we're back here * R: (Metro/rapid transit, 7 stations) I challenge you - with no walking connection, go to Xi'an, Shaanxi, Shanxi, RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, Fake Station Name, No Station Name, Ha ha ha ha ha * L: (Metro/rapid transit, 3 stations) L, L for..., Yeah, Lake again. * D: (Metro/rapid transit, 6 stations) Here, When can we get to shore?, Yellow Sea, Wei Hai, Bohai, Here * Bermuda Triangle Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 4 stations) Florida, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Florida * Me Train: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * Me Light: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * Me Window: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * Me track: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * Me Window 2: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations) * H1: (Metro/rapid transit, 3 stations) Dang it we missed Kunming (your fault), Yeah, Not going to Chengdu * H2: (Metro/rapid transit, 3 stations) Neither Chongqing, Still not going to Chengdu, Yeah * H2 - Fork: (Metro/rapid transit, 3 stations) What is this, Neither Chongqing, Where are we * S: (Metro/rapid transit, 4 stations) Seriously? No Guilin?, We missed Chang Sha, UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUJUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, Hubei, where is 'hu' (Lake) * R mint: (Metro/rapid transit, 7 stations) ____________, Station Name, Let's go, Who told you we are going to Japan, Train :I am not swimming anymore, I literally did NOT just miss Raha (I missed Naha), Who's the boss, train ? * Shortest Line: (Airliner, 2 stations) Starts Here, Ends here * Line for fish to ride (die): (Tram, 11 stations) Ok we know fish can't get on land, Don't get too close to land, Idiots Why didn't you just cross the Baffin Bay, Oh, I didn't mean now!!!, Where are we, Stupid islands how can we go fast, We are going to the Bering straight (Strait), Seriously! All the fish are dead!, At least we humans get to eat the dead fish, Who knows how to start a fire in the sea? * "Normal" Line: (High speed rail, 9 stations) Ready, Set, Go!, *Bombs exploding*, *Buildings crumbling *, *Bullet hitting our train*, *Israeli tanks crash into our train*, *Grenades started flying into the train*, BOOM! * Which is Poland?!: (Metro/rapid transit, 2 stations) Poland, Poland * Which is Paris?: (Metro/rapid transit, 2 stations) Paris, Paris * Lavender Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 0 stations)
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