Setting things up
Max Nash

Manx Electric Railway/Raad Yiarn Lectragh Vannin

Map is Public
created 62 weeks ago
updated 62 weeks ago
A map of the Manx Electric Railway.
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by Max Nash
  2. Built from scratch


28 km
Manx Electric Railway/Raad Yiarn Lectragh Vannin by
created at
updated at 2023-08-18T17:16:52.994Z
A map of the Manx Electric Railway.
Map type: local | Total track length: 18 miles | Center coordinate: 54.24548145613867, -4.3867490131470905 | * Manx Electric Railway: (Tram, 68 stations) Derby Castle, Port Jack, Onchan Head, Boncompte's, Majestic, Braeside, Far End, Howestrake, Groudle Old Road, Groudle Glen, Eskadale, Baldromma, Scarffe's Crossing, Ballameanagh, Baldrine, Sunnycott, Garwick Glen, Ballagawne, Ballabeg, Lamb's Crossing, Fairy Cottage, Preston's Crossing, South Cape, IM4 7, Laxey, Dumbell's Row, Minorca, Old Road, Skinscoe, Ballamoar Bottom, Ballamoar Top, Ballaragh, Dhoon Glen, Burn's Crossing, Dhoon Farm, Dhoon Quarry, Thalloo Mitchel, Brown's Crossing, Ballellin, Ballig, Ballasholague, Corkhill's Crossing, Glen Mona, The Garey, Ballagorry, Watson's Crossing, Dolland, Ballaglass, Cornaa, Murray's Road, Ballaskeig, Ballafayle Corteens, Ballacannell, Ballafayle Kerruish, Rome's Crossing, Ballajora, Ballajora Quarry, Dreemskerry, Crowville, Dreemskerry Farm, Lewaigue, Belle Vue, Ballure, Queen's Valley, Walpole Drive, Queen's Drive, Ballastowell, Ramsey
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