Setting things up

Bilbao Metro | Metro de Bilbao

Map is Public
created 43 weeks ago
updated 43 weeks ago
If you don't know what languages are in the stations, they're in Basque.
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by HRVKZHCommuter
  2. Built from scratch


49 km
Bilbao Metro | Metro de Bilbao by
created at
updated at 2023-12-20T04:34:50.298Z
If you don't know what languages are in the stations, they're in Basque.
Map type: local | Total track length: 31 miles | Center coordinate: 43.30051149916531, -2.9652464196512907 | * L1: (Commuter/suburban rail, 29 stations) Etxebarri, Bolueta, Basarrate, Santutxu, Zazpikaleak/Casco Viejo, Abando, Moyua, Indautxu, Santimami/San Mamés, Deustu, Sarriko, San Ignazio, Lutxana, Erandio, Astrabudua, Leioa, Lamiako, Areeta, Gobela, Neguri, Aiboa, Algorta, Bidezabal, Ibarbengoa, Berango, Larrabasterra, Sopela, Urduliz, Plentzia * L2: (Commuter/suburban rail, 25 stations) Basauri, Ariz, Etxebarri, Bolueta, Basarrate, Santutxu, Zazpikaleak/Casco Viejo, Abando, Moyua, Indautxu, Santimami/San Mamés, Deustu, Sarriko, San Ignazio, Gurutzeta/Cruces, Ansio, Barakaldo, Bagatzo, Urbinaga, Sestao, Abatxolo, Portugalete, Peñota, Santurtzi, Kabiezes * L3: (Metro/rapid transit, 7 stations) Matiko, Trauko, Zazpikaleak/Casco Viejo, Zurbaranbarri, Txurdinaga, Otxarkoaga, Kukullaga
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