Setting things up

Kaohsiung Metro | 高雄捷運

Map is Public
created 62 weeks ago
updated 24 weeks ago
Reprovised by Transit281
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by HRVKZHCommuter
  2. Built from scratch


$ 13.2B
65 km
Where do these numbers come from?
Kaohsiung Metro | 高雄捷運 by
created at
updated at 2024-08-27T19:51:54.928Z
Reprovised by Transit281
Map type: local | Total track length: 40 miles | Center coordinate: 22.6415, 120.3111 | * (R) 紅線 | Red Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 25 stations) 小港 | Siaogang, 高雄國際機場 | Kaohsiung International Airport, 草衙 | Caoya, 前鎮高中 | Cianjhen Senior High School, 凱旋 | Kaisyuan, 獅甲 | Shihjia, 三多商圈 | Sanduo Shopping District, 中央公園 | Central Park, 美麗島 | Formosa Blvd, 高雄車站 | Kaohsiung Main Station, 後驛 | Houyi, 凹子底 | Aozihdi, 巨蛋 | Kaohsiung Arena, 生態園區 | Ecological District, 高鐵左營站 | Zuoying HSR Station, 世運 | World Games, 油廠國小 | Oil Refinery Elementary School, 楠梓加工區 | Nanzih Export Processing Zone, 後勁 | Houjing, 都會公園 | Metropolitan Park, 青埔 | Cingpu, 橋頭糖廠 | Ciaotou Sugar Refinery, 橋頭 | Ciaotou, 南岡山 | Gangshan South, 岡山 | Gangshan * (O) 橙線 | Orange Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 14 stations) 西子灣 | Sizihwan, 鹽埕埔 | Yanchengpu, 市議會 | City Council (Former Site), 美麗島 | Formosa Blvd, 信義國小 | Xinyi Elementary School, 文化中心 | Cultural Center, 五塊厝 | Wukuaicuo, 肢擊館 | Martial Arts Stadium, 衛武營 | Weiwuying, 鳳山西 (高雄市議會) | Fongshan West (Kaohsiung City Council), 鳳山 | Fongshan, 大東 | Dadong, 鳳山國中 | Fongshan Junior High School, 大寮 | Daliao * (C) 環狀輕軌 | Circular LRT: (Light rail/interurban, 38 stations) 凱旋瑞田 | Kaisyuan Rueitian, 前鎮之星 | Cianjhen Star, 凱旋中華 | Kaisyuan Jhonghua, 夢時代 | Dream Mall, 經貿園區 | Commerce and Trade Park, 軟體園區 | Software Technology Park, 高雄展覽館 | Kaohsiung Exhibition Centre, 旅運中心 | Cruise Terminal, 光榮碼頭 | Glory Pier, 真愛碼頭 | Love Pier, 駁二大義 | Dayi Pier Two, 駁二蓬萊 | Penglai Pier Two, 哈瑪星 | Hamasen, 壽山公園 | Shoushan Park, 文武聖殿 | Wenwu Temple, 鼓山區公所 | Gushan District Office, 鼓山 | Gushan, 馬卡道 | Makadao, 臺鐵美術館 | TRA Museum of Fine Arts Station, 內惟藝術中心 | Neiwei Arts Centre, 美術館 | Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, 聯合醫院 | Kaohsiung Municipal United Hospital, 龍華國小 | Longhua Elementary School, 愛河中心 | Heart of Love River, 新上國小 | Sinshang Elementary School, 灣子內 | Wanzihnei, 高雄高工 | Kaohsiung Industrial High School, 樹德家商 | Shu-Te Home Economics and Commercial High School, 科工館 | Science and Technology Museum, 聖功醫院 | Shenggong Hospital, 凱旋公園 | Kaisyuan Park, 衛生局 | Department of Health, 五權國小 | Wuquan Elementary School, 凱旋武昌 | Kaisyuan Wuchang, 凱旋二聖 | Kaisyuan Ersheng, 輕軌機廠 | LRT Depot, 籬仔內 | Lizihnei, 凱旋瑞田 | Kaisyuan Rueitian
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