Lausanne Métro by HRVKZHCommuter
created at 2023-06-11T01:12:10.204Z
updated at 2023-06-11T01:12:10.204Z
Only M2 is considered to be part of Lausanne Métro.
Map type: local | Total track length: 8 miles | Center coordinate: 46.52488702238593, 6.611943706445723 | * m1: (Metro/rapid transit, 15 stations) Renens-Gare, Epenex, Crochy, Cerisaie, Bassenges, EPFL, UNIL-Sorge, UNIL-Mouline, UNIL-Chamberonne, Bourdonnette, Malley, Provence, Montelly, Vigie, Lausanne-Flon
* m2: (Metro/rapid transit, 14 stations) Croisettes, Vennes, Fourmi, Sallaz, CHUV, Ours, Bessières, Riponne-Maurice Béjart, Lausanne-Flon, Lausanne-Gare, Grancy, Délices, Jordils, Ouchy-Olympique
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