Dushanbe, Tajikistan by Shania Train
created at 2023-04-24T21:53:43.045Z
updated at 2023-04-24T21:56:50.544Z
Map created on MetroDreamin.com
Map type: local | Total track length: 40 miles | Center coordinate: 38.5558394096318, 68.77941164570886 | * Red Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 16 stations) Парк Айни, Водонасос, Hotel Oriyo, Tajikmatlubot, Пед. Институт / Pedagogical Institute, New York Fried Chicken, Segafredo, Statue of Ismoil Somoni, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan, Statue of Ayni / Памятник С. Айни, Coffee Shop, ГУП Таджикаэронавигация, Duty Free Zone VIP, Шоҳмансур, Dushanbe, Газпромнефть АЗС № 1
* Green Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 9 stations) Opera, Dusanbe Mall AVM, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan, Hotel Saaf, Автомойка, Agroinvestbank, Agroinvestbank, 14-й микрорайон, Абӯалӣ Ибни Сино
* Yellow Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 19 stations) Districts Under Central Government Jurisdiction, Districts Under Central Government Jurisdiction, Korvon Market, Корвон / Market, Газпромнефть АЗС № 22, Султони Кабир/Market, Султони Кабир/Market, Tax Committee, Agroinvestbank, Doshan Hostel, Dushanbe, Sino, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan, Hotel Twins, ATLAS Hotel, Dushanbe, Dushanbe, Шоҳмансур, Dushanbe
* Blue Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 13 stations) Duty Free Zone VIP, Шоҳмансур, Dushanbe, Business Center Sozidanie, Statue of Ayni / Памятник С. Айни, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan, Hotel Saaf, Автомойка, Agroinvestbank, Agroinvestbank, Hostel Latifa, Khol Mashraf Mosque, Tajikistan Coca-Cola Beverage Plant
* Orange Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 20 stations) Dushanbe, Dushanbe, Embassy of the United States of America, 102-юм микрорайон, Курутобхонаи «Олим», Ресторан Арбат, Ismoili Center, Zoo, Hayat Regency, Statue of Ismoil Somoni, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Tajikistan, Statue of Ayni / Памятник С. Айни, Coffee Shop, ГУП Таджикаэронавигация, Districts Under Central Government Jurisdiction, Districts Under Central Government Jurisdiction, ПТФ, Кызыл-Юлдуз, Кызыл-Юлдуз, Districts Under Central Government Jurisdiction
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