Setting things up

USA and Canada high speed Rail 1

Map is Public
created 63 weeks ago
updated 53 weeks ago
This Map Will Be Deleted On July 27th, 2024. DO NOT BRANCH AFTER MAY 27!
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by NVYT
  2. Built from scratch


33,558 km
USA and Canada high speed Rail 1 by
created at
updated at 2024-01-28T21:43:45.855Z
This Map Will Be Deleted On July 27th, 2024. DO NOT BRANCH AFTER MAY 27!
Map type: extra long distance | Total track length: 20852 miles | Center coordinate: 37.97813715515957, -93.93192542965107 | * Miami line: (High speed rail, 7 stations) Key Largo, Garden Cove, Florida City, Homestead, Kendall, Coral Gabes, Miami * Florida-Maine line: (High speed rail, 24 stations) Augusta, Dover, Boston, Provedence, NYC, Staten Island, Philadelpia, Baltimore, Washington DC, Arlington, Richmond, Raliegh, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Savannah, Brunswick, Jacksonville, Daytona, Port Saint Luice, Palm Beach, Miami, Coral Gabes, Kendall, Homestead * Atlantic-Pacifc line: (High speed rail, 11 stations) San Diego, Vista/Ocean side, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, 87014, Dallas/Fort Worth, Birmingham, Atlanta, Louisville, Washington DC * Sequoia line: (High speed rail, 11 stations) San Diego, Vista/Ocean side, Long Beach, Glendale, Fresno, Los Banos, San Jose, San Francisco Airport, Oakland, Sacramento, Eureka * Canada Line: (High speed rail, 16 stations) St. Johns, Charlottetown, Moncton, Fredricton, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Calgary, Vancouver/Richmond,British Columbia, Victoria, Tacoma/Seattle, Olympia, Portland, Rosewood * Sequoia line - Dawn: (High speed rail, 11 stations) San Diego, Vista/Ocean side, Long Beach, Glendale, Fresno, Los Banos, San Jose, San Francisco Airport, Oakland, Sacramento, Eureka * Sequoia line - Night: (High speed rail, 11 stations) San Diego, Vista/Ocean side, Long Beach, Glendale, Fresno, Los Banos, San Jose, San Francisco Airport, Oakland, Sacramento, Eureka * Desert line: (High speed rail, 17 stations) Houston, Austin, El Paso / Cicudad Juarez, 87014, Albequerque, South 75th Avenue, San Diego, Vista/Ocean side, Long Beach, Glendale, Fresno, Los Banos, San Jose, San Francisco Airport, Oakland, Sacramento, Eureka * Gulf Line: (High speed rail, 8 stations) Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Blioxi, Mobile, Tallahasee, Jacksonville * Mountian Line: (High speed rail, 11 stations) Reno, Carson City, Las Vegas, Salt Lak City, Boise, Helena, Santa Fe, Grand Junction, Denver, Cheyenne, Lincoln * Lake Line: (High speed rail, 12 stations) St Paul / Minneapolis, Duluth / Superior, Green Bay, Milwaukee, Chicago, Detriot, Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, Toronto, Ottawa, St Paul / Minneapolis * Inner New England Line: (High speed rail, 12 stations) Fredricton, Augusta, Dover, Concord, Albany, Rochester, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington DC, Arlington, Cleveland, Detriot * Plains Line: (High speed rail, 12 stations) Des Moines, Lincoln, Sioux Falls, Pierre, Bismarck, Kansas City, Wichita, Tulsa, Memphis, Clarksville, St Louis, Louisville * Atlanta Auxillary Line: (High speed rail, 5 stations) Panthersville, Decatr, Downtown Atlanta, Limousine Chauffeur Waiting Area North Terminal, Atlanta * New Mexico Connector Line (N.M.C.L.): (High speed rail, 3 stations) Santa Fe, Albequerque, 87014 * Los Angeles Line (Traffic): (High speed rail, 7 stations) Glendale, Santa Monica, LAX Airport, Compton, Long Beach, Long Beach, Los Angeles
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