Setting things up
The I Can Fly

My Pyongyang Metro

Map is Public
created 42 weeks ago
updated 42 weeks ago
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by The I Can Fly
  2. Built from scratch


50 km
My Pyongyang Metro by
created at
updated at 2024-04-16T12:42:03.748Z
Map created on
Map type: local | Total track length: 31 miles | Center coordinate: 39.051829329537114, 125.74133276115143 | * Line A: (Metro/rapid transit, 10 stations) Puhung, Yonggwang, Pyongayang, Ponghwa, Kim Il sung Square, Sungni, Tongil, Kaeson, Chonu, Pulgunbyol * Line B: (Metro/rapid transit, 9 stations) Rawkon, Palace Of The Sun, Samhung, Chonu, Hyoksin, Konsol, Hwanggumbol, Kongguk, Kwangbok * Line C: (Metro/rapid transit, 13 stations) Pyongyang Airport, Sunan District, Sopo, Yonghwa, Hyongjesan District, Sopyongyang, Sochon, Konsol, Pothong River, Sungni, Tongdaewon, Taesong, Munsu Waterpark
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