Alabama, United States by Patrick Coleman
updated at 2023-02-08T11:52:48.788Z
Map created on
Map type: long distance | Total track length: 1129 miles | Center coordinate: 32.99474135650789, -86.80303789706078 | * Red Line: (High speed rail, 4 stations) North Water Street, I 85, Urban Standard, Heart of Huntsville Drive Southwest
* Green Line: (Commuter/suburban rail, 9 stations) C Street, Broad Street, East Boundry Street, Dallas Avenue, I 85, The Gomillion Building, Bragg Avenue, Avenue C, 10th Street
* Yellow Line: (Commuter/suburban rail, 10 stations) North Water Street, Hartley Road, East Field Street, I 85, 9th Avenue Southeast, Urban Standard, Howard Street, Dripping Springs Road Northwest, 6th Avenue Northeast, Heart of Huntsville Drive Southwest
* Blue Line: (Commuter/suburban rail, 9 stations) C Street, Broad Street, Vera Vista Avenue, 3rd Street, Bessemer Tire Company, Urban Standard, Bay Street, Reed Street, 10th Street
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