Setting things up

LA Metro Line 111 re-EXtEnSiOn to Bellflower

Map is Public
created 38 weeks ago
updated 35 weeks ago
EXtEnDtHeBuS From LAX City Bus Center: Follow usual path to Norwalk station. Continue along Studebaker Rd, Rosecrans Ave and Bellflower Blvd. End at Bellflower Blvd and Flower St. Layover at Laurel for 15 minutes. From Downtown Bellflower: Line starts at Bellflower / Belmont. Travel north along Bellflower Blvd, then turn east at Rosecrans Ave. Turn left at Studebaker Rd, then turn left towards Norwalk station. Continue current path to LAX City Bus Center. Incorporates some routing from: (see "Line 111 - Bellflower - Huntington Park")
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by Anthony96922
  2. Branched from default map


7 km
LA Metro Line 111 re-EXtEnSiOn to Bellflower by
created at
updated at 2024-06-11T23:21:13.896Z
EXtEnDtHeBuS From LAX City Bus Center: Follow usual path to Norwalk station. Continue along Studebaker Rd, Rosecrans Ave and Bellflower Blvd. End at Bellflower Blvd and Flower St. Layover at Laurel for 15 minutes. From Downtown Bellflower: Line starts at Bellflower / Belmont. Travel north along Bellflower Blvd, then turn east at Rosecrans Ave. Turn left at Studebaker Rd, then turn left towards Norwalk station. Continue current path to LAX City Bus Center. Incorporates some routing from: (see "Line 111 - Bellflower - Huntington Park")
Map type: local | Total track length: 4 miles | Center coordinate: 33.897051865657744, -118.11639066152307 | * 111 EXtEnDeD: (Local bus, 19 stations) Norwalk Station, Studebaker / Angell, Studebaker / Foster, Studebaker / Leffingwell, Studebaker / Rosecrans, Rosecrans / Dumont, Rosecrans / McNab, Rosecrans / Woodruff, Rosecrans / Cabell, Liggett Street, Bellflower / Somerset, Bellflower / Jefferson, Bellflower / Linden, Bellflower / Alondra, Bellflower / Flora Vista, Bellflower / Oak, Bellflower / Belmont, Flower / Bellflower (South terminus), Laurel (Layover Only)
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