Setting things up

SprintRail DESERT SPRINTER (240 km/h)

Map is Public
created 63 weeks ago
updated 56 weeks ago
This line is owned and operated by SprintRail, Sprint Corporation's passenger rail division. Amtrak also operates this line as a code-share under the Desert Thunder branding. Akira Kurosawa likes his trains EXtRa ThIcC
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by Anthony96922
  2. Built from scratch


545 km
SprintRail DESERT SPRINTER (240 km/h) by
created at
updated at 2023-08-10T04:02:50.650Z
This line is owned and operated by SprintRail, Sprint Corporation's passenger rail division. Amtrak also operates this line as a code-share under the Desert Thunder branding. Akira Kurosawa likes his trains EXtRa ThIcC
Map type: extra long distance | Total track length: 338 miles | Center coordinate: 35.11401160127072, -116.69094745094918 | * Desert Sprinter Line: (High speed rail, 2 stations) LA Union Station, Las Vegas Station
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