Setting things up
Bohdan Sereda

Lviv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine

Map is Public
created 70 weeks ago
updated 70 weeks ago
I decided to build metro stations in my city, and since I lived both in a village in the Lviv region and in Lviv itself, it was quite easy for me to do it because I know where people in our city need it the most. There are enough problems with the roads, so the subway would solve many problems with traffic jams. The stations I chose are very convenient because they connect the whitest surrounding towns and villages with the city center. Well, of course, one of the stations connects my house in the village and my apartment in the city center.😁😁😁
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by Bohdan Sereda
  2. Built from scratch


482 km
Lviv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine by
created at
updated at 2023-05-05T17:44:24.019Z
I decided to build metro stations in my city, and since I lived both in a village in the Lviv region and in Lviv itself, it was quite easy for me to do it because I know where people in our city need it the most. There are enough problems with the roads, so the subway would solve many problems with traffic jams. The stations I chose are very convenient because they connect the whitest surrounding towns and villages with the city center. Well, of course, one of the stations connects my house in the village and my apartment in the city center.😁😁😁
Map type: long distance | Total track length: 300 miles | Center coordinate: 49.86452279227065, 24.03601405446607 | * Red Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 7 stations) 355, Йозефа Рота Вулиця, Січових Стрільців Вулиця, Набережна Вулиця, Гвардійська Вулиця, Джерельна Вулиця, Авраама Лінкольна Вулиця * Green Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 4 stations) Липова Алея Вулиця, 807, 807, Ольги Кобилянської Вулиця * Yellow Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 5 stations) Авіаційна Вулиця, 811, 816, 817, Болехівська Вулиця * Blue Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 6 stations) Володимира Вернадського Вулиця, Замкова, Євгена Коновальця Вулиця, 814, Тараса Шевченка Вулиця, Промислова Вулиця * Orange Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 6 stations) Тараса Шевченка Вулиця, Тараса Шевченка Вулиця, 810, Завадівська Вулиця, Західні Вали Вулиця, 22-Го Січня Вулиця * Purple Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 5 stations) Тараса Шевченка Вулиця, Пільна Вулиця, Р-15, Корольова Вулиця, Василя Стуса Вулиця
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