Setting things up

City of Melton Bus Services

Map is Public
created 22 weeks ago
updated 2 weeks ago
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by bagbag
  2. Built from scratch


$ 116M
73 km
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City of Melton Bus Services by
created at
updated at 2024-09-30T04:29:48.802Z
Map created on
Map type: local | Total track length: 46 miles | Center coordinate: -37.691, 144.5706 | * 1: (Bus rapid transit, 2 stations) Opalia Plaza, Melton Station * 2: (Bus rapid transit, 3 stations) Woodgrove SC, Station Square, Melton Station * 3: (Bus rapid transit, 4 stations) Smith Street, Station Square, Station Square, Melton Station * 4: (Bus rapid transit, 3 stations) Cobblebank Village SC, Cobblebank Stadium, Melton Station * 11: (Local bus, 11 stations) Pulteney Drive, Wembley Avenue, Neyland Street, Fenway Street, Alabaster Avenue, Diamond Parade, Monash Street, Mitchell Road, St Anthony's Primary School, Nortcott Street, Melton Station * 12: (Local bus, 14 stations) Melton Station, Nortcott Street, St Anthony's Primary School, Mitchell Road, Turf Club Boulevard, Opalia Plaza, Altis Road, Elpis Road, Bullengarook Street, Bluff Avenue, Ryebank Street, Oldbridge Boulevard, Barron Way, Exford Waters Estate * 13: (Local bus, 10 stations) Gillespie Drive, Bunyip Street, Shackell Street, Toolern Waters Drive, Mapleton Boulevard, Clarendon Drive, Al Iman College, Staughton College, Nortcott Street, Melton Station * 14: (Local bus, 5 stations) Melton Station, Cooper Street, Heston Street, Hilda Drive, Gosse Crescent * 15: (Local bus, 12 stations) St Anthony's Primary School, Murray Street, Lachlan Road, Wentworth Road, Mapleton Boulevard, Bolton Street, Clement Way, Cardigan Close, Al Iman College, Staughton College, Nortcott Street, Melton Station * 16: (Local bus, 9 stations) Melton Station, Nortcott Street, St Anthony's Primary School, Mitchell Road, Turf Club Boulevard, Alcove Road, Parrot Drive, Exford Road, Opalia Plaza * 17: (Local bus, 9 stations) Slate Way, Merino Street, Coltan Avenue, Springbrook Parkway, Monash Street, Mitchell Road, St Anthony's Primary School, Nortcott Street, Melton Station * 21: (Local bus, 9 stations) Melton Station, Cooper Street, Coburns Road, Melton Christian College, Brookfield Avenue, Rupertswood Drive, Grand Scenic Drive, Runnymeade Lane, Red Fox Boulevard * 22: (Local bus, 10 stations) Melton Station, Cooper Street, Coburns Road, Melton Christian College, Brookfield Avenue, Rupertswood Drive, Brooklyn Road, Turpentine Road, Triandra Drive, Carissa Road * 23: (Local bus, 12 stations) Melton Station, Cooper Street, Brooklyn Road, Campaspe Crescent, Black Dog Drive, Black Dog Drive, Pinnacle Crescent, Stanley Crescent, Monash Avenue, Botanica Springs Boulevard, Clarkes Road, Carissa Road * 24: (Local bus, 21 stations) Moor Park Avenue, Portman Avenue, Weeks Avenue, Merrystowe Way, Westlake Drive, Carlyon Close, Meadow Glen Drive, Meadow Glen Drive, Parkway, John Batman Drive, Sutton Grove, Glencroft Terrace, Rainsford Place, Woodgrove SC, Coburns Road, Christopher Crescent, Fay Street, Richard Road, Second Avenue, Station Square, Melton Station * 25: (Local bus, 19 stations) Chanticlear Avenue, Oakpark Drive, Claret Ash Boulevard, River Views Road, Panorama Drive, Sovereign Boulevard, Piccolotto Drive North, Piccolotto Drive South, Sutton Grove, Glencroft Terrace, Rainsford Place, Woodgrove SC, Coburns Road, Christopher Crescent, Fay Street, Richard Road, Second Avenue, Station Square, Melton Station * 26: (Local bus, 18 stations) Riverbank Esplanade, Arnolds Creek Boulevard, Robina Court, Centenary Avenue, Bulmans Drive, Gloucester Way, James Cook Drive, Empress Way, Grenville Place, Hilton Way, Woodgrove SC, Coburns Road, Christopher Crescent, Fay Street, Richard Road, Second Avenue, Station Square, Melton Station * 27: (Local bus, 18 stations) Red Oak Street, Willandra Boulevard, Scarlet Oak Avenue, Buloke View, Caitlyn Drive, Granholm Grove, Dulcify Court, Galilee Blvd, Westmelton Drive, Melton Secondary College, Woodgrove SC, Coburns Road, Christopher Crescent, Fay Street, Richard Road, Second Avenue, Station Square, Melton Station * 29: (Local bus, 14 stations) Granholm Grove, Marlo Drive, Anthony Court, Centenary Avenue, Piccolotto Drive North, Piccolotto Drive South, Woodgrove SC, Coburns Road, Christopher Crescent, Fay Street, Richard Road, Second Avenue, Station Square, Melton Station * 28: (Local bus, 17 stations) Chanak Place, Hiraji Street, Peter Pan Crescent, Ajay Way, Coburns Road, Roslyn Park Drive, McBurnie Drive, Westmelton Drive, Melton Secondary College, Woodgrove SC, Coburns Road, Christopher Crescent, Fay Street, Richard Road, Second Avenue, Station Square, Melton Station * 40: (Local bus, 16 stations) Gunnawarra Road, Outlook Ride, Numering Court, Gandara Court, Walsingham Crescent, Pennyroyal Crescent, Kurunjang Drive, Melton Cemetery, Robin Street, Swan Street, Unitt Street, Henry Street, Richard Road, Second Avenue, Station Square, Melton Station * 30: (Local bus, 12 stations) Centenary Park, Greenhills Drive, Westmelton Drive, Melton Secondary College, Woodgrove SC, Coburns Road, Christopher Crescent, Fay Street, Richard Road, Second Avenue, Station Square, Melton Station * 51: (Local bus, 6 stations) Woodgrove SC, Coburns Road, Glen Road, O'Neills Road, Palmerston Street, Smith Street * 31: (Local bus, 6 stations) Woodgrove SC, Richard Road, Campaspe Crescent, Brooklyn Road, Cooper Street, Melton Station * 41: (Local bus, 20 stations) Chanak Place, Hiraji Street, Kayla Way, Christina Crescent, Dunvegan Drive, Manning Avenue, Carberry Drive, Riddle Drive, Raleighs Road, Kurunjang Drive, Cassia Road, Church Street, High Street, Mckenzie Street, Henry Street, Palmerston Street, Richard Road, Second Avenue, Station Square, Melton Station * 42: (Local bus, 17 stations) Minns Road, Dalray Crescent, Glencoe Street, Subzero Street, Strawberry Road, Manning Avenue, Carberry Drive, Pinkerton Street, SMith Street, High Street, Mckenzie Street, Henry Street, Palmerston Street, Richard Road, Second Avenue, Station Square, Melton Station * 50: (Local bus, 7 stations) Woodgrove SC, Coburns Road, Glen Road, Henry Street, Palmerston Street, Darlingsford Boulevard, Melton Botanic Garden * 99: (Local bus, 6 stations) Cobblebank Village SC, Cobblebank Stadium, Fenway Street, Neyland Street, Wembley Avenue, Pulteney Drive * 98: (Local bus, 9 stations) Cobblebank Village SC, Atherstone Adventure Park, Wimbledon Boulevard, Wimbledon Boulevard, Wembley Avenue, Exford Road, Strathtulloh Circuit North, Strathtulloh Circuit South, Greigs Road
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