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  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Total track length: 0 miles | * Red Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 9 stations) Rivers Run Boulevard, Melton Lake Drive, Cascade Lane, Briarcliff Avenue, Just Imagine Hair Salon &Girl's Spa, Heritage Drive, Manhattan Avenue, Pembroke Road, Woodland Terrace * Green Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 16 stations) Tempura Drive, South Dillard Avenue, Scarboro Community Center, Downtown Hardware Company, Walmart Grocery Pickup and Delivery, North Purdue Avenue, Manhattan Avenue, SAIC, Administration Road, El Jinete, Jefferson Middle School Entryway, Cumberland View Drive, Cumberland View Road, Baylor Drive, Melton Lake Drive, Palisades Parkway * Yellow Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 10 stations) Administration Road, East Tennessee Avenue, Fairbanks Road, Oak Ridge Veterinary, Oak Ridge Turnpike, Brisbane Road, Arcadia Lane, Alger Road, East Drive, Hickory Hollow Drive
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