Setting things up
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Total track length: 0 miles | * Red Line: (High speed rail, 49 stations) Elk Street, Collins Street, North Montgomery Street, Terrace Street, Olympia Avenue Northeast, Kingwood Drive Northwest, 500 West, The Diamond Girls, Columbia Avenue, North Mandan Street, North Poplar Avenue, East 1st Avenue, Grand Hyatt Pool, I 35e, 53706, Northwest 22nd Street, Q Street, Southwest Elmwood Avenue, West High Street, North 6th Street, Capital Center, Clinton Street, Dickerson Pike, Hunter Avenue, Bigley Avenue, Comfort Street, Natomas Park Drive, South Roop Street, West Devonshire Avenue, Avenida De Sevilla, San Pedro Street, Port Of Greater Baton Rouge, Magnolia Street, Riverfront Drive, South Hull Street, Baker Street Northwest, Lady Street, Watauga Street, East Canal Street, H Street Northwest, West Washington Street, North Governors Avenue, North Jefferson Street, Party Island, I - 95, Tileston Street, Bailey Avenue, North Main Street, Winthrop Street
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