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  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Waypoints: 23
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Total track length: 0 miles | * LRT - 1: (Tram, 30 stations) Dundas, East Dundas, East Dundas, University Gardens, University Gardens, McMaster University, Westdale, Hamilton West, Locke, Locke, Hess Village West, Hess Village East, Main-James, Hamilton Central, Walnut, Walnut, Wellington Park, Wentworth, Sherman, Sherman, Hamilton Southeast - Gage Park, The Delta, The Delta, Kenilworth, Main Street East, Parkdale, Nash, Stoney Creek South, Barton East, Confederation * LRT - 2: (Tram, 22 stations) Factory Place, Wentworth Pier, Burlington Street East, Burlington Street East, Hamilton Port, West Harbour, Barton, FirstOntario Centre, Main-James, Hamilton Central, Corktown, Corktown, St Joseph's Hospital - Mohawk College, Fennell, Buchanan, Limeridge, Stone Church, Ryckman's Corners, Twenty Road, Cameron Speedway, Mount Hope, John C Munro International Airport * LRT - 3: (Tram, 0 stations) * LRT - 4: (Tram, 0 stations) * LRT - 5: (Tram, 0 stations) * S-Bahn (GO) - Hamilton Beltline: (Commuter/suburban rail, 14 stations) West Harbour, Dundurn Castle, Dundurn Castle, Hamilton West, Hess Village, Hamilton Central, Wentworth, Hamilton Southeast - Gage Park, Tim Hortons Field, Hamilton Northeast, Hamilton Northeast, Sherman Avenue North, Victoria Place, West Harbour
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