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  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Waypoints: 13
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Total track length: 0 miles | * Red Line: (High speed rail, 6 stations) Misericórdia, Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, Jakob-Klar-Straße, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße * Green Line: (High speed rail, 6 stations) Via degli Annibaldi, Via degli Annibaldi, Milan, Paris, London Borough of Lambeth, Dublin * Yellow Line: (High speed rail, 6 stations) вуліца Няміга, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße, Dijksgrachtkade, Paris, Place Rohan, Madrid * Blue Line: (High speed rail, 4 stations) Paris, Jakob-Klar-Straße, Galgóczy utca, Πολυγνώτου * Orange Line: (High speed rail, 8 stations) набережная канала Грибоедова, Kiskontie, Kiskontie, Tussmötevägen, Akershusstranda, Station Name, Dijksgrachtkade, Jakob-Klar-Straße * Purple Line: (Local bus, 3 stations) Istanbul, Galgóczy utca, Konrad-Adenauer-Straße
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