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  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Total track length: 0 miles | * Red Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 23 stations) Queslett Road, Walsall Road, Fairview Avenue, Walsall Road, Walsall Road, A34, Trinity Road, A34, High Street, New John Street West, Princip Street, The Bread Collection, New Street, Bristol Street, Bristol Road, Pebble Mill Road, Arley Road, Bristol Road, Bristol Road, Bristol Road South, Sir Herbert Austin Way, Hawkesley Mill Lane, Bristol Road South * Green Line: (Commuter/suburban rail, 25 stations) Rosemary Road, Birmingham Road, A458, Hagley Road West, A456, Hagley Road West, Hagley Road West, Hagley Road, Hagley Road, Hagley Road, Costa Coffee, Broad Street, New Street, Albert Street, Jennens Road, Walter Street, Shobha's, Gravelly Hill North, Sutton New Road, Birmingham Road, Pilkington Avenue, Trinity Hill, Tamworth Road, Dower Road, Belwell Lane * Yellow Line: (High speed rail, 2 stations) New Street, Ramp Road * Blue Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 13 stations) Ramp Road, Station Road, Hong Kong, Brays Road, Barrows Lane, Church Road, Hob Moor Road, Green Lane, Green Lane, Regent Park Road, Coventry Road, Bradford Street, New Street
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