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  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Waypoints: 74
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Total track length: 0 miles | * 1: (Metro/rapid transit, 20 stations) 陈官营 | Chenguanying, 深安大桥南 | South Shen'an Bridge, 兰州城市学院(省科技馆)| Lanzhou City University (Gansu Science and Technology Museum), 兰州海关 | Lanzhou Customs, 马滩 | Matan, 土门墩 | Tumendun, 兰州西站北广场 | North Square of Lanzhou West (Lanzhouxi) Railway Station, 西站什子 | Xizhanshenzi, 七里河 | Qilihe, 小西湖 | Xiaoxihu Park, 文化宫 | Cultural Palace, 西关 | Xiguan, 省政府 | Gansu Provincial Government, 东方红广场 | Dongfanghong Square, 兰州大学 | Lanzhou University, 五里铺 | Wulipu, 省气象局 | Gansu Meteorological Bureau, 拱星墩 | Gongxingdun, 焦家湾 | Jiaojiawan, 东岗 | Donggang * 2: (Metro/rapid transit, 9 stations) 东方红广场 | Dongfanghong Square, 邮电大楼 | Youdian Dalou, 兰州火车站 | Lanzhou Railway Station, 红星巷 | Hongxingxiang, 团结新村 | Tuanjie Xincun, 五里铺 | Wulipu, 张苏滩 | Zhangsutan, 均家滩 | Junjiatan, 雁白大桥 | Yanbai Bridge
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