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  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Total track length: 0 miles | * Ellettsville Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 12 stations) Monroe Beach, Internal Medicine, Station Name, Woodlawn-Fraternity Row, IMU, Campus North/Hospital, 17th-Memorial Stadium, Showers Park, Arlington Heights, Bloomington North, West Brook, Ellettsville * 3rd Streetcar: (Tram, 22 stations) College Mall Southwest, College Mall Southeast, Clarizz, Pete Ellis, Collge Mall North, College Mall, College Mall Southwest, High, Eastside, Highland, Woodlawn-Fraternity Row, Dunn's Woods South, Grant, Central Station-Bus Depot, Madison, Fairview, Walker, Patterson, Franklin, Curry, Kirby, Airport * Henderson Streetcar: (Tram, 16 stations) Fee-Bill Armstrong, Simon Skjodt, 17th-Memorial Stadium, 15th, 10th, 9th- Mathers Museum, 7th, Dunn's Woods South, 2nd, Dodds, Davis, Hillside, Graham-Winslow Park, Sunny Slopes, Gordon, Speedway * Campus Circulator: (Tram, 22 stations) Dunn's Woods South, 7th, 9th- Mathers Museum, 10th, 13th and Henderson, 13th, McNutt, Campus North/Hospital, Law/Eagleson, Rec Center, Campus/10th, Station Name, Station Name, Station Name, Station Name, Eagleson, Arts-Fountain, IMU, Station Name, Station Name, Station Name, Dunn's Woods South * Walnut Streetcar: (Tram, 14 stations) Hillside, Station Name, Grimes, South Walnut Street, 2nd, Central Station-Bus Depot, Kirkwood, 7th, 10th, 12th, 15th, Showers Park, Cascade, Cascade North * Brown County Line: (Commuter/suburban rail, 10 stations) Columbus East, Downtown Columbus, Columbus West, Station Name, Nashville Cross, Yellowwood Entrance, Woodville Hills, Eastside, Campus/10th, Central Station-Bus Depot
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