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Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Waypoints: 242
Interchanges: 0
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Total track length: 0 miles | * College Hill Road Express: (Metro/rapid transit, 10 stations) Dawes Avenue, New Street, Fountain Street, College Street, College Hill Road, The Map, Griffen Road, Skyline Drive, Fancett Road, New York Highway 26 * Skyline Shuttle: (Metro/rapid transit, 8 stations) Norton Avenue, Valley View Road, Skyline Drive, Skyline Drive, Skyline Drive, Reservoir Road, Skyline Drive, Skyline Drive * PG Loop Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 5 stations) South Street, South Street, Deans Highway, Fairway Drive, Fairway Drive * Norton Local Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 5 stations) South Street, Fairway Drive, Norton Avenue, Campus Road, Norton Avenue * Bristol to Bed Commuter Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 6 stations) New York Highway 315, Station Name, Ny 12b, Ny 12b, College Hill Road, Bristol Road * Little Loop Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 6 stations) Griffen Road, Griffen Road, Valley View Road, Norton Avenue, Campus Road, The Map * Fancett Connector: (Metro/rapid transit, 5 stations) Skyline Drive, Bryden Road, Bryden Road, Fancett Road, Fancett Road * Resevoir Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 6 stations) Ny 12b, Reservoir Road, Reservoir Road, Bryden Road, Bryden Road, Skyline Drive * Orchard Transit: (Metro/rapid transit, 5 stations) Norton Avenue, Taylor Avenue, Brimfield Street, Brimfield Street, Dawes Avenue * Pink Line: (Metro/rapid transit, 10 stations) College Street, Dwight Avenue, Dugway Road, Dugway Road, Lumbard Road, Maxwell Road, Fountain Street, Fountain Street, Fountain Street, Fountain Street
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