Setting things up
Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Waypoints: 642
Interchanges: 2
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Total track length: 0 miles | * Line 1: (Tram, 37 stations) W State Hwy, Herschend Lane, Station Name, Shepherd of the Hills Expressway, Shepherd of the Hills Expressway, Branson North, Northwoods, Shepherd of the Hills Expressway, Branson Landing Boulevard, Cox Medical, Veterans Boulevard, Oklahoma Boulevard, West Main Street, 4th & Main, 7th Street, Roark Ave & Main St, Vaughn Road, West 76 Country Boulevard, Stanley Avenue, West 76 Country Boulevard, Garden Inn, West 76 Country Boulevard, West 76 Country Boulevard, West 76 Country Boulevard, West 76 Country Boulevard, West 76 Country Boulevard, Andy Williams Boulevard, West 76 Country Boulevard, Francis Street, West 76 Country Boulevard, West 76 Country Boulevard, Schaefer Drive, Little Pete Road, West 76 Country Boulevard, Shepherd of the Hills, Silver Dollar City, Indian Point * Line 2: (Tram, 32 stations) Branson Landing Boulevard, Branson Landing Boulevard, Belk, Hilton Promenade, East Main Street, West Main Street, US 65 Business, South 2nd Street, South 2nd Street, South 5th Street, Alexander Park, Cliff Drive, Cliff Drive, Cliff Drive, Pocahontas Street, Vaughn Road, West Oklahoma Street, Wilshire Drive, Wilshire Drive, US Route 65, Skaggs Road, Branson Landing Boulevard, Branson Landing Boulevard, Shepherd of the Hills Expressway, Wintergreen Road, Yakov Theatre, Bull Creek, Goldfinch Road, Old Trail Road, Lake Hill Road, Lake Street, Missouri Highway 176
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