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  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Total track length: 0 miles | * Speed Express Rail | 200 | Capitals Line: (High speed rail, 5 stations) Paris Main Station, Paris Charles du Gaulles, Brussels Main Station, Brussels Main Station, Amsterdam * Speed Express Rail | 212 | French Western Cost Line: (High speed rail, 7 stations) Brussels Main Station, Lille, Caen, Rennes, Nantes, Bordeaux, Donostia-San Sebastian * Speed Express Rail | 202 | French Southern Coast to Italy: (High speed rail, 6 stations) Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseilles, Genoa, San Marino, Rome * Speed Express Rail | 203 | Central France via Paris: (High speed rail, 6 stations) Marseilles, Lyon, Dijon, Orleans, Paris Main Station, Caen * Speed Express Rail | 209 | Paris to Vienna via Southern Germany: (High speed rail, 5 stations) Vienna, Munchen, Stuttgart, Strasbourg, Paris Main Station * Speed Express Rail | 205 | Marseilles to Ljubljana via Northern Italy: (High speed rail, 5 stations) Ljubljana, Trento, Milan, Turin, Marseilles * Speed Express Rail | 211 | Northern/Central Germany from Brussles: (High speed rail, 5 stations) Berlin, Magdeburg, Hanover, Dusseldorf, Brussels Main Station * Speed Express Rail | 207 | Brussels Northwards: (High speed rail, 7 stations) Brussels Main Station, Dusseldorf, Bremen, Hamburg, Hamburg, Kiel, Albourg * Speed Express Rail | 208 | Bratislava to Berlin via Vienna: (High speed rail, 6 stations) Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Prague, Vienna, Bratislava * Speed Express Rail | 204 | Italy North to South: (High speed rail, 8 stations) Messina Connector Station (Via Ferry), Catanzaro, Potenza, Naples, Rome, San Marino, Bolonga, Milan * Sicily Connector Rail | A | Messina to Palermo: (Commuter/suburban rail, 2 stations) Messina Main Station, Palermo * Sicily Connector Rail | B | Messina to Catania: (Commuter/suburban rail, 2 stations) Messina Main Station, Catania * Sicily Connector Rail | Ferry | Messina Main to Messina Connector: (Ferry, 2 stations) Messina Main Station, Messina Connector Station (Via Ferry) * Speed Express Rail | 210 | Milan to Dusseldorf via Central Western Europe: (High speed rail, 5 stations) Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Zurich, Milan * Speed Express Rail | 206 | Switzerland to Paris: (High speed rail, 5 stations) Paris Main Station, Orleans, Dijon, Bern, Zurich * Speed Express Rail | 201 | Capitals Line Berlin Extension: (High speed rail, 6 stations) Berlin, Bremen, Amsterdam, Brussels Main Station, Paris Charles du Gaulles, Paris Main Station * Speed Express Rail | 213 | Germany from Paris: (High speed rail, 6 stations) Berlin, Magdeburg, Erfurt, Frankfurt, Strasbourg, Paris Main Station * Speed Express Rail | 214 | Vienna to Italy: (High speed rail, 5 stations) Rome, San Marino, Bolonga, Ljubljana, Vienna * Speed Express Rail | 215 | Italy: Taranto to Rome: (High speed rail, 4 stations) Rome, Naples, Potenza, Taranto * Speed Express Rail | 216 | Rome to Southern Germany: (High speed rail, 5 stations) Munchen, Trento, Bolonga, San Marino, Rome
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