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  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Waypoints: 7
Interchanges: 4
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Total track length: 0 miles | * Red Line: (Tram, 10 stations) East Avenue, University Place, South Prospect Street, South Willard Street, South Union Street, South Winooski Ave, St. Paul Street, Pine Street, Battery Street Central, Lake Champlain South * Green Line: (Tram, 13 stations) Highway Crossing, North Winooski, East Spring Street, Winooski Main Junction, Barrett Street, Centennial Field, Colchester Avenue, North Willard Street, North Union Street, Pearl Street, Elmwood Ave, Battery Street North, Lake Champlain North * Yellow Line: (Tram, 9 stations) Williston Road, Patchen Road, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway, The Amphitheatre, South Prospect Street, South Willard Street, South Winooski Avenue, Pine Street, Battery Street South * Blue Line: (Tram, 14 stations) Twin Orchards, Shelburne Road, Shelburne Street, Birchcliff Parkway, Ledge Road, Cliff Street, Champlain College, South Willard Street, North Willard Street, North Street, First Station, Lavigne Road, Malletts Bay Avenue, Ernie Farrar Drive * Airport Bus Line: (Local bus, 3 stations) Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway, Burlington International Airport, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway * Purple Line: (Tram, 7 stations) Ledge Road, Spruce Street, Maple Street, South Union Street, North Union Street, North Union Street, First Station * Northwest Corner Line: (Local bus, 6 stations) North Union Street, Elmwood Avenue, Nunyuns Bakery & Cafe, Manhattan Drive, Gazo Avenue, Burlington Beltline * Magenta Line: (Tram, 6 stations) Ledge Road, Maple Street, South Winooski Avenue, Pearl Street, North Union Street, First Station * Lime Line: (Commuter/suburban rail, 15 stations) Red Rocks Park, Queen City Park Road, Flynn Avenue, Pine Street, Pine Street, Maple Street, Battery Street Central, Battery Street North, Depot Street, North Avenue, North Avenue, North Avenue, North Avenue, Starr Farm Road, North Avenue
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