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Branch History
  1. MetroDreamin' by Anonymous
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Total track length: 0 miles | * Connect: (Metro/rapid transit, 7 stations) Stepford Highway (Renamed to Morganstown in V1.6), West Berrily (BERRILY AIN'T POG), Old West (Renamed to Benton City in V2000), Old East (Renamed to Boxly Central in V1999), Old Hall (Renamed to Hemdon Town in V1925), Stepford Shore (Renamed to Stepford East in V1922), Stepford Hall (Renamed to Stepford Central in 1.1) * Waterline: (Metro/rapid transit, 2 stations) West Berrily (BERRILY AIN'T POG), Old West (Renamed to Benton City in V2000)
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