25th Century Northeast Transit by The Metro Kid (T.M.K.)
created at 2023-09-04T17:40:34.651Z
updated at 2024-12-27T15:21:23.765Z
Spanning 10 States
Lines marked with P=Philadelphia through running services
Currently spanning from Ohio to Rhode Island and West Virginia to Upstate New York
Current plans: Pennsylvania Rail and Smaller city metro's
Buffalo Pittsburgh, and Cleveland September/October
Baltimore and DC
Boston and New England
New York part of the map based on: https://www.reddit.com/r/TransitDiagrams/comments/olm1ar/check_out_this_massive_fantasy_new_york_city/
Philadelphia Regional Rail: https://www.reddit.com/r/TransitDiagrams/comments/mjejqg/oc_fictional_philadelphia_area_delaware_valley/
I train south of Newark inspired by: https://metrodreamin.com/view/b2FJSzFBTk15UVNKQ0syMGEyOHNweDNKNHZyMnw4Mw%3D%3D
Philly Metro inspired by:https://metrodreamin.com/view/T1JJZWlMNjRSZ2FEQWNBeld1Q1k4cFY0QXlXMnww
Pennsylvania railroad :https://www.reddit.com/r/TransitDiagrams/comments/1btfikw/oc_fantasy_diagram_of_pennsylvanias_intercity/#lightbox
Guy who made Syracuse and Albany: https://www.reddit.com/user/Wide_right_yes/
Map type: local | Total track length: 7543 miles | Center coordinate: 40.7661, -74.4812 |
25th, century, northeast, transit, new, jersey, us, nj, united, states, map maker, metro map maker, subway map maker, transit map maker, rail map maker, bus map maker, map creator, metro map creator, subway map creator, transit map creator, rail map creator, bus map creator, dream map, fantasy map, fantasy metro, fantasy subway, map sketch, map tool, transit tool, public transportation map